September 16, 2019

Since its creation in 2012, Giving Tuesday—an international national day of giving created to counter the consumerism of the holiday season—has grown both in popularity and in the amount of funds raised. This year, Giving Tuesday will occur on Tuesday, December 3.
If your organization is participating this year, now is the time to make sure that your online donation pages are optimized for the best donor experience on Giving Tuesday. General guidelines include the following:
- Promote your Giving Tuesday campaign in constituent communications and social media.
- Display a prominent link on your home page for your Giving Tuesday donation campaign.
- Explain how the funds will be used and how the donor’s contribution will make an impact in your outreach materials, social media, donation page and acknowledgement letters.
- Set up an automatic acknowledgement letter for Giving Tuesday donors. Click here to view an instructional video and download instructions.
You can find complete information about Giving Tuesday (including a comprehensive toolkit of resources to help plan your campaign) at www.givingtuesday.org.

Our webinar on Tuesday covered more information than we anticipated! In addition to discussing recurring donations, automatic membership renewals and personalized acknowledgement letters, we also covered enabling tribute donations and creating membership renewal notifications.
You can watch the complete video here. Because the webinar covered so many topics, we’ve provided an index so you can go directly to a section you’re interested in. We’ve also included a generic template for acknowledgement letters that you download and customize with your own language, EIN and graphics.