March 18, 2019

We are pleased to announce upcoming new features for gift cards, loyalty accounts and grants. These features make it possible to create, manage and track a range of possibilities including administration and use of:
- Gift cards that the recipient can use for any purchase in Doubleknot
- Loyalty accounts where constituents receive rewards that can be applied to purchases in Doubleknot
- Funds for financial aid, scholarships and camperships
- Grants that require allocating and tracking funds for specific uses
Please join us on Thursday, March 21 at 11 AM Pacific / 2 PM Eastern for an informational webinar about these features!

Date: Thursday, March 21, 2019
Time: 11 AM Pacific / 2 PM Eastern

Spring programs are starting soon, and summer camps are right around the corner! Our Sales Station app for iPhones and iPads offers a wide array of features that simplify and streamline camp administration at program sites.
If you missed the webinar about using Sales Station for camp programs last week or you want to review the material, the video is available here. The page also contains answers to questions asked during the webinar and information about supported credit card readers and scanners.
If you have suggestions for future webinar topics, please let us know!