June 22, 2018

Following up with members and registration owners about payments can be awkward and time-consuming. But, your operations and programs depend on being paid on time. Doubleknot’s friendly, flexible billing notifications empower your staff to focus on programs and operations instead of of tracking upcoming and past-due payments, generating invoices and following up with past-due customers.
With Doubleknot, you can create and schedule automatic payment reminders to registration owners with an upcoming or overdue payment for any event, program or reservation and to members during and after their membership renewal period.
Payment reminders are sent on the schedule you choose, and contain a custom message, information about the payment due and a link to easily pay online. You can use different messages and different delivery schedules for upcoming payments and overdue payments.
The general steps to set up payment reminders are:
- In the Manage Notification Messages utility, write and save the custom reminder messages that you want to use.
- On the management page for the event, program session, facility or membership, click Notifications and set the delivery schedule and messages.
Scheduling a payment reminder notification for a birthday party reservation

Selecting the reminder messages to send before and after the payment due date

For complete instructions, read the “Setting Payment Reminders for Events User Brief” in the Event Management section of Doubleknot’s documentation page (click User Manuals in the Feature List). Or, click Help at the top of any Doubleknot page to launch online help, and follow the link to Setting Payment Reminders for Events (located in the Event Management section).

No matter what kind of organization you work with, Doubleknot’s custom forms are a powerful tool for collecting information and supporting upsell of add-on purchases. And, we’ve continuously introduced new features to make our custom forms even more flexible.
If you missed the webinar, you can watch the video here.